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720 747-8228
Angels of Colorado

Our Community Integrated Employment program, connects people with in the IDD community with skills training and paid employment. Meaningful employment provides individuals a measure of financial independence, self-confidence and strengthens the sense of belonging within a community. Work situations also provide opportunities for social interaction, enhanced communication skills, and assistance with developing natural supports.

A Supported Employment Group is an important stepping for individuals who are ready to move into a work field, yet need available supports and training to decrease barriers to individualized community employment. We seek to match individuals with work that aligns with their employment goals, interests and abilities so that the possibility of a successful and positive working experience is maximized.


Discovery camps are work-shops, designed to support the individual with opportunity to building strong work skills needed to be successful in the work force. Teaching necessary skills to overcome barriers. Individuals can sign up for any or all camps of their choosing to learn a new skill and apply it to their resume as experience. These camps also aid in the aria of online employment application.


Ability Printing is a custom apparel print shop that offers its team members the experience of working in a safe and supportive, staffed environment that allows for mistakes to be viewed as learning experiences. We offer internship positions to individuals seeking to working in a print shop.